Light-Duty Aluminum Padlock
5/6/7-Pin SFIC Compatible

Light-Duty Aluminum Padlock

“90A-IC” Series

Product Information

Compatible with 5, 6, ; 7-Pin SFIC (small format interchangeable core) cylinders from Medeco®, Falcon®, Best®, Arrow®, and more
Available in 10 anodized colors
Stainless steel shackle spring, screws, and ball bearings
Dual bar bearings
Bypass and shim proof

Product Information

BAA/TAA Compliant?: Yes
Available Colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Silver, Yellow
Body Material: 6061 Aluminum
Available Shackle Materials: Brass, Hardened Stainless Steel, Hardened Steel, Stainless Steel
Country of Origin: USA
Cylinder Manufacturer(s): N/A
Cylinder Type: Small Format Interchangeable Core
Available Keyway(s): N/A
Shackle Spread: 3/4″